Peace and quiet...It would seem like everything has returned to normal down in the Cape. The flocks of ´rich from Dad´s successful house appliance business´ Joooe-burgers have up and left the cape like their ox trekking forefathers except this time on low cost kulula flights whilst sending their M3 and GTi 21st presents stroke tax-write offs back on the rail link.
Caprice: An impulsive, seemingly unmotivated notion or action.All is back to normal. The Queens Plate was evidence of this. Chilled stylish relaxed atmosphere without any trackside brawls. Lovely. However, we suppose the respite this lull in joburglessness brings will be short lived as they will return for the bumper Met weekend. Heaven help us.
We must relate however our favourite Joburger encounter this summer. We were sucked into a discussion concerning Cape Town´s favourite anytime spot Caprice with an elderly-to-middle aged couple from the interior. The couple were blown away by the success of the place as every time they have driven past during their 10 day stay at the coast the Shop was packed.
They were simply captivated at hearing we spent New Years Eve there and the conversation continued:
Northern Couple Male: So how was last night - it must have been fabulous?
GH#12 and Showstopper: It was great!
Northern Couple Female: Who actually owns Caprice?
Gh#12 and SS: (exchange glances - should we bother explaining?) Silence.
NC Male: Does James Small own it?
SS: (owwgawd - please you answer look given to GH#12?)
GH#12: (comforting hand on SS thigh, don´t worry SS I´ll handle these multiple question asking enthusiasts)
NC Female: Does Caprice own Caprice?
GH#12: (SS toned thigh suddenly tightens under comforting hand. GH contemplates a confusing situation whereby a parent company holds ownership of a eponymous section 21 or CC subsidiary???)
NC Female: Does Caprice own Caprice? Does she own it?
The penny drops...clatters...and echoes... SS breaks into uncontrollable and mildly embarrassing laughter.
Caprice: Not owning it.GH#12:, Caprice doesn´t own Cafe Caprice...
As if that wasn´t the end.
NC Male follows up: I think it was just named after her sweetheart.