Twakkie: Laughing at his own joke. Hard!
[Mentally think - who is there?]
[Mentally think - pierre who?]

Pierre Spies at number 8 instead of Ryan Kankowski...
wanna know how to fuck, look, and be like us? email rockstarweb@gmail.com
All Blacks: 15 Mils Muliaina, 14 Hosea Gear, 13 Conrad Smith, 12 Dan Carter, 11 Sitiveni Sivivatu, 10 Stephen Donald, 9 Jimmy Cowan, 8 Rodney So'oialo, 7 Richie McCaw (captain), 6 Jerome Kaino, 5 Ali Williams, 4 Brad Thorn, 3 Neemia Tialata, 2 Andrew Hore, 1 Tony Woodcock.
Replacements: 16 Keven Mealamu, 17 Greg Somerville, 18 Anthony Boric, 19 Adam Thomson, 20 Piri Weepu, 21 Ma'a Nonu, 22 Isaia Toeava.
Linford Christie was born in St Andrew, Jamaica; it is in Missouri, just outside Kansas City. He moved to England and became a great athlete and won numerous sprinting awards. You wont know what I am talking about until you realise where this is going, or at least, where it looks like we think it might be going.
Cut up about failure...
You see, young Linford had great speed. Quick out the blocks and when his big tall strong frame got into its rhythm he cleaned up the track with the oppositions spandex outfits. He won gold in Barcelona 1992, in 9,96s he was the oldest Olympian to win gold in the 100m. Unfortunately for Linford it was downhill from there. But he made a comeback to compete in the 1996 Atlanta games. The hype beat old Linford, but he managed to qualify for the fastest man on earth race. However, his Q time wasn´t competitive.
I was 13. You saw the Kansas City shuffle. I saw through it. I saw a tired old man throwing in the towel without getting beating. You saw Ali throw that punch on Sonny Liston hey - bet you thought you saw him land it too? Christie retired, and we wondered what if.
Big question – better to be beaten or surrender when defeat is inevitable. I think the rockstar way would be to choose which ever, as everyone forgets eventually, but do it with honour.
What is the easiest way to avoid the shame of failing an exam? Don´t study and then scapegoat a lack of learning rather than a lack of mental capacity. What is the easiest way to avoid getting rejected by the petite blonde at the bar? Wait all night, until she starts hitting on the Rockstar in onitsukas and then blame not getting her number on her?
Can´t ride the bus if you don´t buy a ticket...
What is the easiest way to avoid the public humiliation of not getting employed for an available position? Don´t apply..!
However, the phrase easiest doesn´t always mean the 13 year old kid didn´t miss the Kansas City shuffle... The public might have, but the kid saw it.
Subject Grade Symbol
Mathematics SG H
Woodworking SG GG
English (second language) HG C
Sepedi (first language) HG E
In slots Matt Cassell, who's played, oh, about 23 seconds of actual game-time footvall since High School. Matt played behind Heismann Trophy winner Matt Leinart for his entire varsity career and and then managed to get drafted just behind 2-time MVP Brady - that's a lot of bench-warming.
Matt "Saracen" Cassell - taking it easy
Gisele. That's for free.
If you've got no idea what we're talking about click here to continue reading about the never-ending and now infinitely boring Puke Watson scandal.
Okay, I haven´t tested this idea but it makes perfect sense. Whilst you are clad in nothing but khaki cargo pants and a dusty vest bottle feeding Kenyan aids orphan out of your self-funded mobile goodwill charity shelter for underprivileged African baby orphans, and a busload of European glamour models on a shoot for Vogues new African summer theme arrives you are guaranteed to be woken up with ´good morning gorgeous´ mouthed in Italian, French and Spanish the next morning.
I promise you guys, she fell out of the sky just like that vodacom ad with those Bushmen guys. I think it is called a parachute...
If you were taller, you could reach for it yourself...
´Controversial loose forward Luke Watson has several lucrative offers from clubs abroad should he wish to continue his career outside South Africa.
In an interview with the Breakfast team of the Bloemfontein-based radio station, OFM, Watson's agent Jason Smith confirmed that "we have had some interest from overseas clubs" for Watson for the last 12 months.
"If Luke decides that he wants to play in Europe, these opportunities will definitely be available," Smith told the radio station.
Watson's father, Cheeky Watson, confirmed "there is already a big offer on the table."´
Fuckin awesome. If they are playing for his whey shakes, and nervousa counselling, I will personally drive the fundraiser for his airfare. Fuck it, he is flying first class. I hear the toilets are closer to the seats in case he gets airsick, or just sick of being short.