The Ultimate Warrior...Saturday night was one of those nights that could ruin the rest of your weekend. One of those nights where everything happens just perfectly and you
wearily slump into bed in the early hours of Sunday morning wondering how the remainder of the weekend could even hope to live up to the standard set.
With the possibility of waking up on Sunday to have the weekend spiral down from the previous nights high I engineered a classic response to maintain my weekend level. I opened Sundays account by an early morning pre-rush-madness Clifton 2 visit. I am clever like that...

Armed with coffee and breakfast it is hard not to enjoy a perfect beach day when the Clifton 2 has put on her Sunday best and really come to the party. Conditions were perfect. This was to be fantastic.
Fantastic was very quickly dampened however. I hadn't counted on C2 being transformed into center stage of , what I can only describe as, The Superbowl for Nerds.

Since I am somewhat familiar with descriptive College e-literature on a vast host of American pop culture phenomena that are worthy of blatant humorous castigation I wasn't taken aback when I first noticed the orange cones marking out the perimeter of the World's Most Extreme Teacher's Assistant Sport but I was very swiftly taken aback by the savagery of the competitors and the voracity of the competition.
Ultimate Frisbee is not for ants...
For those of you unfamiliar with the concept this is very briefly it:
Ultimate Frisbee, Disc Rugby, Frisbee Football or Extreme Frisbee Disc Rugby is a unique outdoor activity that has achieved cult status in America. By cult I mean, it is generally played by those social outcasts that blatantly look like cult type freaks, not that the activity has a cult following.
On the contrary the activity is pursued by a very small minority of college students and alumni players and you would need some impressive mathematical equation to work out the exact size of this minority to the exact decibel place, an equation that is also funnily enough a prerequisite you need to be able to work out in your head to be part of this said small minority.

The activity originated in the winter of 1962 at a secretive vacation camp conference of college kids, "Introverts Against Public Ostracization and For the Right to Carry Modified Gas Carbine 9mm Side Arms on Campus Association". Check them out at

At the inaugural annual winter camp two students, Ronnie H Howard and Jeffery Matthews were outside on a lunch break tossing Ron's plastic Starship Enterprise, complete with Captain Kirk figurine, between each other when a 3rd student, Kaz Tedzinsky, inadvertently walked into the flight path of the projectile UFO and was struck on the forehead. A 4th student, Walter Wells

Wallop, saw the incident and in frustration at the careless operation of such a dangerous object and the injury to his Information Systems Project Research partner picked up the Enterprise (now sans Capt Kirk figurine) and attempted to run the disc-shaped model space module to the nearest rubbish bin.
Indignant at the possibility of losing his favourite addition to his Star trek fleet the first nerd gave chase...and the rest is history.
Watching them perform live is priceless, although there is a good chance it will ruin your weekend.