Thursday, January 31, 2008

Monday, January 28, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I should have opened my eyes. I feel stoopid for not realizing before I was ‘had’. I shouldn’t burden myself with further deprecation, I feel enough of an idiot as it is, and more to the point I am the victim here, and everyone else I told.
I doubt any reader actually read the article posted below when it was originally posted. Thankfully our editor-in-chief, Rockstar, (thanks chief) picked up on my not yet glaring oversight and took the article down within 30minutes. I have republished it to admit my error. Go read it.
I will admit many things, but cannot stoop so low to admit that I have been a victim of misleading advertising before this. I know many of you will coyly admit to the boys over a six pack of corona and pizza that you once woke up with chubby white-faced midget of a girl that when you first laid eyes upon her leering at you over the bar at Tiger the night before looked somewhat less chubby and far less pasty.
I think Maybelline and figure restricting jeans are to false advertising what ADSL is to cyber geeks, indispensable tools of the trade! Anyway, I’ve never been lured to take my clothes off for a luminescent slug of a women but I have parted with my money for something that I didn’t end up getting.
I mentioned I am not to proud to admit my mistakes, unlike the Blue Bulls who fired a backline coach in favour of scouting the wondrous talents of Pieter Rossouw. I am also not to proud to admit I so far have started every paragraph with I, however I am contemplating changing that.
I (or not) was so beside my fucking self with the news of a Snow Patrol Signal Concert that I didn’t read the fine print. Snow Patrol actually isn’t playing. The lead vocalist from SP Gary and his keyboard tapping band cohort Tom are from the band Snow Patrol but will be performing a DJ set ‘picking as eclectic a selection of music as possible from tracks they love…’!

Look, I am still going to go and check it out. It should be a good evening. Although I did pay to watch Tiger Woods play golf but it turns out he is playing tennis instead. Thankfully I won’t wake up with dirty slug slime on me…
For tickets check out www.global-breakthrough.com!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A high 5 will do...
The imminent flood of 'how was your holiday?' questions that I will have to deal with when I return to my normal life in a month [this Clifton life-style guard thing is just a summer fling] scares the hell out of me.
I hate having to deal with it! So I think the best defensive is an aggressive offensive so I am going to start my own onslaught before you can. How was your holiday???
Oh wait, it just got a fuck load better! If you don't believe me, read on for the next 60 seconds and honestly tell me if I haven't changed your life..!

Whilst you were snow-walking the tourist beat in Aspen, lathing on Piz Buin on a Mediterranean yacht, playing kolpak rugby at an Irish rugby club, pina colading the shit out of life in Mozambique or giving little angels their wings in St Francis, myself and Rockstar stayed at home. We watched out beaches, we kept the Joburgers boet out of trouble and looked after Cape Town for you. It's a pleasure.
Yes, there is more...
Since we have been so carefully protecting our wonderful little city like the endangered piece of fynbos it is we have had our ears firmly to the ground. And what have we have heard that will jump your holiday up at least two bars of the Holiday Barometer? [just remembered I haven't shared with you the graduations on the Holiday Barometer - mental note to rectify that]
Your holiday just got better.

Snow Patrol are playing live in concert, in Cape Town on Signal Hill in a very small arena to a select few people! The concert is on the 1st March 2008...

That pain sensation in your arm right now is you trying to pinch yourself. This isn't a dream, you are awake. No dreams are this good. Congratulations you are inner circle.
Tickets are still available. Email us at rockstarweb@gmail.com and we will send you details on how to purchase your own.
A hi5 will do...
Friday, January 18, 2008

I had to just throw this out there in case you were stuck watching 'My Super Sweet 16' on MTV on Monday night in horrid ignorance of the fact that Boston Legal is back on the Series channel. Monday's at 21h00. It's quotes like these that oblige me to fill you in:
"An inexplicable compulsion to be redeeming, as if I was a regular on a television series...!"
Monday, January 14, 2008

It was such a good weekend of football. Every game was a buzzer hanger complete with game turning moment. The 'okay stop taking the piss' New England Patriots beat Jacksonville in a nail-biter. The Colts failed with 3 downs and goal to reclaim the lead against the Chargers in the final quarter and lost 28-24. The Giants upset the Dallas Cowboys 21-17 in yet another close one. Greenbay did hammer the Seahawks but it was exciting.
I know that adds up to 12 hours of TV viewing but everyone has twelve hours to spare somewhere when the sun goes down. Please make an effort this weekend.

I checked. Clifton is fine.
And in other news...

Ewoudt Van der Linde - surprisingly not a stage name!
And lastly...

Did anyone watch the Osprey's this weekend. A bit of magic there..! Oh and yes, the chargers have been dropped. Insufficient evidence or celebrity status? Not sure, but if Maori rugby players can evade the law and beat their wives, why can't I drink on trains and call girls fat?
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Monday, January 07, 2008
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
The rolling plains of Africa…
Migration has a frequent role throughout history and the reoccurrence of it in the future is virtually certain. Transcending over boundaries between species migration is found in nearly every type of object capable of moving.
David Attenborough made one instance of migration the most famous world wide by documenting the never-ending passage of blue wildebeest across the plains of the Serengeti but there are other instances of equal number that aren’t as famous. A vital hinge to the concept of migration is that the moving mass, at some stage returns to their place of origin. If this doesn’t occur then it would just be a mass exodus, like the Jews high-tailing it out of Egypt or Stormers rugby fans bolting out of Newlands.

One of these lesser known but equally large migration takes place when summer reaches its zenith in the Southern Cape. And now that the last Xmas tree has turned brown on the city refuge dumping site and the last piece of shattered Dom Perignon bottles have been swept of the floor summer holiday is on its way out and so are the subjects of this migration to which I refer.
The first subtle indications of its beginning are notice around earlier December, but by the 20th it is in full swing. You first notice skid away tire marks at robots and stop streets. You then walk into Woolworths and feel the squinting eye contact of people searing into the back of your head as they are checking you out.

Whilst on the beach the monotony of your expertly placed beach bats shots resonate melodically in your ears and are usually only interrupted by the lapping of the gentle tide at your feet but now it is harshly punctuated by shouts of ‘boet’ carried by the sea breeze. You look around perplexed and see no one. But as the December days wear on, the ‘boets’ become louder and more frequent, to the point where you stop going to the beach.

However, despite the increasing prevalence of telltale signs the migration is no more acutely apparent than in the cash trays of bars, clubs, cocktail lounges and restaurants in and around the Mother City.
Like the far eastern plains of the Serengeti the cash tray of your typical till was a common and ordered sanctuary where the animals got on so well. Herds of bright blue buffalo grazed lazily through the veld. Large regal male Lions dominated the higher ground. Africa’s moniker the Elephant roamed freely and the lowveld teemed with crashes of Rhino. This plains were punctuated by the low bark of the majestic leopard that although, not rare, was always tucked away.
In Cape Town the leopards are slightly different in that they have a white powdery tinged much like the Columbian Snow Leopard and are distinct from the leopards around the country. But the migration has begun, and a new leopard is in town.

It is a much larger, bulkier more muscular leopard. It is a leopard on steroids, very probably. It is fierce, aggressive and piles up in the far left of the cash tray barking out aggressive taunts belittling the other animals. It drives a black car. It drives it fast. It doesn’t have thin rubber radio collar, it has a thick full metal and leather collar with spikes. If it was dog, it would live in a junk yard. If it was a person, it would be from Joburg…
However, the vital hinge of the migration occurs and this foreign breed of leopard starts disappearing. Their departure is not a day too late as a hunting party just arrived from over the Atlantic. Teddy R has brought is friends Benjamin, Grant, Jackson, Lincoln and Washington to do some shooting…