Who better to celebrate hot women on a monday with than a SeaGal....
Since the Seahawks won the NFC last night and the honour to meet the Steelers in the Super Bowl I figure one of their cheerleaders would do nicely... She does...

wanna know how to fuck, look, and be like us? email rockstarweb@gmail.com
In extreme cases, use two
Or you could just be a rockstar, get out there and find yourself a real model. Hey, if Seal can do it ...
Life can very easily be likened to a game. You spend a few months preparing, it begins and according to the game clock it will inevitably end. This could explain why people like sport so much. Sport is a game within your life game. Sport is like mini episodes of life that you get to either participate in or just sit back and watch.
To perpetuate my analogy many facets of life that people seek to succeed in echo a similar trait to one many sports have. At the end of a sports game the winner is usually determined by which team or individual racks up the most points. To outscore your opponent you have to exhibit an offense that trumps his defense.
So here is the thing, to be successful requires you to breakdown defensive barriers. For a pious person it would be to conquer the faith barrier and believe whole heartedly in a religion or god that you can’t test or prove. For a rugby backline player it is straightening the sliding defenses and having the pace and skill to then beat the cover. For an investment banker it would be to break into the emerging market before anyone else. For a suppressed minority it would be to abolish the restrictions of inequality. For a horny guy trying to get his freak on it would be the veil of coyness and aloofness a girl protects herself from horny guys with…
Hence I find life in many respects to be nothing more than breaking through a defense. If you find this argument non-sequitur it is probably cause you weren’t following. Moving along…
So what is the key to breaking D? I am an atheist member of a majority that has no interest in the corporate world with less skill on a rugby field than I have before a woman. However I am a skilled observer so can relate one of the most important facets of offensive play. It’s all about the angles…
The reason this ‘friend angle’ is as futile as playing golf at night is that girls and guys can never be friends. Please read that again. Yes NEVER. Guys are only friends with girls under two circumstances. The first I have outlined above and the second is that he is gay. Every time a guy is friends with a girl it is cause he has the aim of trying to get into her la senzas, or he is not that way inclined...
[need I mention that every time I refer to a female I am referring to a hot female that is worth trying to jump into bed with? So if you are formulating the ‘But I have ugly girls as friends’ argument as a retort you are a perverted fuck who is trying to get ugly ass]
You don’t like my theory? Test it. Go out there, find a nice broad and become friends. Straight up from the start don’t compliment her, don’t flirt with her, and certainly don’t send her any fuckme stares. The result? She will tell her she loves you! You see, girls say I love you to friends. It’s the absolute kicker. Because she does love you, as a mate.
Give up the angle bud. It’s the worst there is. One night she may get drunk and use you as an orgasm crutch but the next morning she will regret it and say she has ruined your friendship, no matter how much you protest the opposite. And don’t feel special cause you got some ass, girls kiss their girl friends all the time. If anything it just bumped you up a few notches on the will&grace ladder. Continue like this and your man card is soon to be revoked…
You see? Pretty much an easy going laid back kinda guy…! However some things are just so erroneous and iniquitous to society that I have to get off my lazyboy and do something. I took a big fish to task on this matter, and since I am a huge advocate of equality so will heed a lesser fish no mercy.
Earlier Nancy Gibbs (23-12-2005) felt the wrath of the rockstar muscle for her ambiguous use of the term. You should hopefully see the sarcasm in my reference to wrath as we all know she hardly gives a full page advert space for webbloggers that gripe her use of the English language. Knowledge of this before writing my view didn’t sway me from sticking it to The MAN (the gender inclusive man) and neither does the purposelessness of my view now dissuade me…
I came across another incorrect usage of our beloved term during my yuletide net surfing. It pissed me off that the text on the site is written in white and to ‘cut and paste’ it you have to change the colour to read it. Fucking annoying but as I said, I am an amiable kinda guy… (besides I suppose blue on white is used by splattermail.org, and borrowing their idea would make you no better than someone who steals from say... wwtdd.com…like…um splattermail!) I digress.
Here is the kicker: “It's true, anyone in Cape Town can be a rock star. Christmas obviously bestowed some new shades upon the faces of our pseudo rock stars.”
What the fuck??? Everyone in Cape Town can not be a rockstar!!! You need a webblog specifically stating you are one. It’s like a 00 license to kill; you can’t buy such decorum at 7eleven. Admittedly the second sentence is more correct in that it implies these people masquerade as rockstar when in fact are very far from it. That’s believable.
But an audacious quote giving hope to the little people out there is just cruel. It’s like letting a white guy compete for the 100m Olympic gold. Why don’t you just rip his heart out and stand on it and save him the embarrassment of only crossing the finishing line when the black panthers are halfway through their victory lap…
How many cape town cockdiesels lay on their beds that night making a mental note to replace muay thai gloves with rockstardom on their next xmas list???
Okay, so the quote is probably a little out of context and there were some high points in the article, but the rockstar references are totally incorrect and off beam. The author even goes as far to imply that if you drive a Citi golf you are not a rockstar. Swear to god it is there in the text, just narrow your eyes from the glare.
What so I guess you have to drive a 2001 Golf 4 GTI to be cool, or does that also fall into the 'cars not considered rockstarish' category? It’s not what was on the price tag bud; it’s who is behind the wheel…!