Would you rather be an Idol or a Rockstar???
Reality TV shows receive some serious flak but nevertheless they hand out viewer pleasure like the Pope hands out hail-marys. You cant deny that despite the heavy criticism that shows - like ShowMeTheMommy, BigBrother and now IDOLSIII - get they put bums in seats like nothing since Turner Classic Movies...
However the attraction of these shows is not their captivating dramatic pauses (usually courteous Colin ‘a-village-is-missing-a-badly-dressed-idiot’ Moss) or their heart-warming success stories of previously disadvantaged children rising to fame and fortune but cause of their huge laugh AT them attraction.
The opening rounds of Idols were priceless, as the judges weeded out the no-talent (no education, no dress sense etc) hopeful entrants that (and I quote), ‘hoped that by winning, I wouldn’t have to get my matric’! Now that is entertainment pleasure. Seriously nothing beats spending a few hours on a Sunday on the couch laughing hysterically at how backward, inbred and just plain bizarre some people from the Rainbow nation are…

Veronique de Lange
That part of the show is over (unfortunately) and we’re into the serious business. However we still get the odd excitement at laughing at the stupidity of our nations population. My MVP for this weeks episode was young (get this) Veronique [pronounced Veron-NEEK] from Bloem. The young, rather nubile lass (or more correctly meisie) did a lovely Kelly Clarkson impersonation and had a great set of tits, (or was it the other way around) but unfortunately didn’t make the cut. Why MVP? In her little pre-performance interview she described her hobbies as ‘I like to social’ (sic? or sick?) and ‘dance until 5am, just don’t tell my parents’. [both in thick OFS accent] Shame what a sweetie but not only does it seem she hasn’t got the idea of the English language but also that she hasn’t grasped the concept that the idea behind National TV is that everyone sees it including said parents.
But wait there is more. Just when you thought her uniNEEK (get it??) name wasn’t going to be seen on national TV until the proposed Survivor Benoni 2008, there is another contestant that shares the same name. I’m betting she will be MVP for her week…. Back yourself Veroneek!
Veronique Lalouette
In the words of Babagoodouche, ‘ Rule 5: No excuses play like a champion’…